
The Glass Menagerie is a 50-voice community chorus based in Greenwich Village. We’ve been making music together since 1984. We rehearse on Thursday evenings during the academic year at LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School), 272 Sixth Avenue at Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10014. Our regularly scheduled concerts take place in December and May.

Upcoming Concert

Photo: Silhouette of Trees near body of water during sunset, Dave Hoefler on Unsplash

For the Beauty of the Earth

Throughout history composers have explored connections between nature, music, and the human condition. Our concert features works by Shubert, Dvořák, and Elgar, a host of Renaissance favorites, and contemporary compositions by Frank Tichelli, Sarah Quartel, and Rich Campbell. We are proud to introduce Planet Earth Lullaby, a commissioned piece by Mr. Campbell, which underscores the fragile state of our natural world and the importance of preserving it. 

Sunday afternoon, April 27, 2025, at 4:00 pm.

Church of the Holy Apostles
296 9th Avenue @ 28th Street
New York, NY 10001


Tickets are $25 adult / $15 student and may be purchased online or at the door.

Listen to our April 28, 2024 performance of Rich Campbell’s “Border”:

The Glass Menagerie Chorus needs your support!

Commissioning new work is exciting, but it costs money and so does preparing and performing the diverse array of music we perform at all of our concerts. We’ve launched a GoFundMe campaign to help us cover the commission fee for “Planet Earth Lullaby” and to support our entire 2025 concert season. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution now to help us reach our goal.

How Can We Keep From Singing?

During the darkest days of the pandemic, the Glass Menagerie Chorus was determined to keep making music together. We rehearsed on zoom every week and made this video—because how could we keep from singing?

The Mile-Long Opera: a biography of 7 o'clock

For five consecutive nights in October (3–7) 2018, 1,000 singers from across New York City, including members of The Glass Menagerie, came together on the High Line for the first-ever performances of The Mile-Long Opera: a biography of 7 o’clock. Audience members were active participants in this ambitious, collective, free choral work. 

Audience members walked along the park, moving in and out of groups of singers, immersing themselves in hundreds of stories, inspired by the accounts of a wide range of New Yorkers, about life in our rapidly changing city. 

7 o'clock means something different for everyone. What does it mean to you?

For more information, head on over to milelongopera.com

Dr. Susan Glass is the 2015 recipient of the Organization of American Kodály Educators' Outstanding Educator award!

Dr. Susan Glass is the 2015 recipient of the Organization of American Kodály Educators' Outstanding Educator award!

Read about us in the New York Times!

Check out the New York Times’ interview with our Artistic Director Susan Glass. The occasion was our March 4, 2015, appearance in THE EVENTS, an innovative theater production by Scottish playwright David Greig, at New York Theatre Workshop.

May 3, 2014: The Glass Menagerie Receiving The council of New York city proclamation marking the celebration of our 30th anniversary.

May 3, 2014: The Glass Menagerie Receiving The council of New York city proclamation marking the celebration of our 30th anniversary.

More than 30 years of singing!

In May 2014 we received a Proclamation from the New York City Council marking our 30th anniversary making music together in Greenwich Village.